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Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat iedereen kan meedoen in Brussel?

Newcomers: how to start handling basic things in Brussels?


According to my experience, I think if the commune or related authorities care more about the newcomers to Brussels, that would make an easy integration and pleasant experience for the people. for example as a practical solution, after registration in the commune, given my email address, it would be better to have some communications from commune or integration offices for instructing how to start handling basic things in this city! or even if we go further, before registration everybody needs help finding out how to start the process. for instance, figuring out how, when and where to register, opening a bank account, changing drivers license, GSM SIM-card, renting an apartment, using public transport, and many other things that were black-box for me in the first days, actually, I could handle it using the internet and by asking friends but I think if I got official directions and straight guidance I would be happier!
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