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Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat iedereen kan meedoen in Brussel?

Welcome Wagon


Canada has a service (established 1930) called Welcome Wagon. Designed for families experiencing a lifestyle change. It could be adapted to meet the requirements of Belgium. It is based on the idea that someone visits the home of a new comer and can offer information on support and services, coupons from local businesses/restaurants (there is an incen-tive for businesses as it expands their customer base). This service could be established and have sufficient representation from various cultures to ensure that those that want this service can benefit from it. The following link is a Canadian Government initiative for the settlement and integration of new comers: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2019/08/new-programs-to-boost-newcomer-settlement-and-integration.html
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