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VGC presents long-term policy plan 2021-2025: We make Brussels together

For the first time in the history of the VGC, ‘het College’ of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC) presents a strategic multi-year policy plan. This ambitious plan brings together all aspects of the VGC policy. The plan translates the policy choices into concrete objectives and actions for the coming years.

The VGC went to work with the Brusseleirs and opened its doors to anyone who wanted to contribute to answering the challenges that Brussels faces today and tomorrow. Hundreds of Brussels residents, organizations and institutions from the N network and employees of the VGC administration provided ideas and recommendations.

Many recommendations from the participation trajectory Stadspiratie, from the extensive Tour of Brussels for school teams and from the VGC advisory councils can be found as concrete actions in this long-term policy plan. In the plan, the recommendations from Stadspiratie and the Tour of Brussels are indicated by a specific logo.

Read the long-term policy plan at