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How can we ensure that everyone is included in Brussels?

Create a central system for quality affordable ateliers


Although housing costs are relatively low compared to many other capital cities, atelier spaces can be expensive and with very bad quality. Many have no heating, very little lighting, mold, etc. Brussels should support artists by working together with them to create a cooperative system connecting quality atelier spaces with each other. Instead of continuing precarious anti-squat contracts, the city could invest in creating sustainable permanent solutions to affordable artist ateliers. Some resources: In Antwerpen they have a centralized system through the AAIR: https://www.aair.be/en/ruimte In Amsterdam you have the government organization CAWA: https://www.amsterdam.nl/bestuur-organisatie/organisatie/overige/cawa/ In Brussels you have a new organization that is trying to move in this direction: https://www.permanentbrussels.org/
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