Encourage and support more people to be active.
Sports should not only be available for professionals but for everyone in every level. Therefore there should be more sports centres accessible for everyone, including non professionals at affordable cost near-by.
The Government should build a mini artificial football pitch, which could be 5 aside size artificial football
pitch, open for everyone from young, adult to elderly, professional or casual, students, workers, people of
all races, all religion and all ages.
Artificial pitch is easier and cheaper to maintain, it safer to play on, and most importantly it easier for group
of 5 friends to gather and play football.
Mini basket pitch, handball or other sports for non professional could also be made available and accessible to encourage more people to be active.
Reference: https://www.mini-pitch.com/en-GB/minipitch/location/1417/dfb-mini-pitch-for-eggenfelden
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