Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
We make Brussels together. How can Brussels residents help shape life in Brussels? How do we ensure that vulnerable groupq have their voice heard? How do we give more space to grassroots initiatives? What do you want to change and what do you need to make that happen? Are you aware of good examples that can inspire Brussels? What is your dream?
These ideas were submitted already
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
App voor foto sluikstort.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Gratis openbaar vervoer.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Buslijn 65.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Nivelleren van voetpaden.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Opknapbeurt voor kasseien.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Verbinden en bruggen bouwen
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Kinderkopjes en 5 seconden groen licht.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Meer openbaar vervoer.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Door brede open participatie cultuur te lanceren.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Fietsen, groen, autoloos
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Meer ziekenhuizen.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Uitstalramen reglementeren.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Oude karren poetsmateriaal
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Pleinen autovrij.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Metro Schaarbeek
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Toegankelijke buurtinfrastructuur
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Benut het potentieel van alle expats.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Samen met Vlaanderen
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Samen bereik je meer
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Fusiegemeente Brussel
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?
Presence policière.
Working together
How can we involve all Brussels residents in policymaking?