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This online platform was created for the Stadspiratie project. The aim of the online platform is to give as many people and organisations as possible the opportunity to make a contribution.

Please comply with the rules so that we can keep everything open and constructive. Ideas and reactions that do not comply with the rules will not be published unless they are adjusted.

What are the rules?

  • Contributions whose content deviates strongly from this project can be rejected by the moderator.
  • Contributions that can be labelled as racist, rancorous, offensive, hurtful, etc. will be deleted by the moderator.
  • Contributions aimed at people (e.g. personally targeted answers or comments) will be deleted by the moderator.
  • We want a constructive debate. The moderator can delete contributions with offensive or insulting language.
  • We want to keep the project transparent and honest. Users with false or misleading profiles will be deleted by the moderator. (For example, if you enter a fake first name or last name like X7zg3 or Darth Vader.)
  • Copyrighted contributions can be deleted.
  • Contributions that can be regarded as (camouflaged) adverts, contain links to other websites (that have nothing to do with the themes), or can be considered spam will be deleted by the moderator.
  • Contributions must relate to themes that fall under the responsibilities of the VGC. The VGC is responsible for culture, youth, sport, education, training, student affairs, well-being, health, family, urban policy and integration.

How does the platform work?

  • Our moderator checks all newly submitted contributions. If they comply with the rules, they are published on the platform. That's why your contribution will not appear immediately on the platform. It can take a while. Contributions that do not comply with the rules will not be published.
  • You will receive a message from the moderator when your contribution is published or deleted.
  • If your contribution is deleted, you can submit a new contribution as long as it complies with the rules.
  • If you repeatedly ignore the rules, the moderator can block you, and you won't be able to submit contributions on the platform.