What happens with the submitted ideas?
We want to initiate as many ideas as possible. If an idea does not fall within the scope of a Stadspiratie theme or the authority of the Flemish Community Commission, we will pass on the idea to other government bodies.
At the bottom of the home page, you will find an overview of how the Stadspiratie project is set out, the steps that have already been taken and what is still planned.
Why do I need to register? Or is it compulsory to register?
There is no need to register if you just want to visit the website. If you would like to play an active role and post your own ideas, vote for the ideas of others or share ideas through social media, then you will need to register. This will enable us to verify your contributions and possibly contact you about your ideas.
Who can register?
You can register individually or as an association or organisation. When you register as an association or organisation, you represent the whole group.
How can I create an account or register?
First register. Select individual or organisation. Fill in your name and email address and create a password. You will then receive an email straight away. Simply confirm your email address by clicking on the link.
How can I vote for an idea?
Under the idea that you would like to support, click on “Vote for this idea”. You can vote for as many ideas as you like. But you can only vote once for the same idea. The yellow bar will indicate whether you have already voted for an idea.
What does the Flemish Community Commission do with my data?
Read our full privacy policy here.