Thank you very much for all your ideas!

The Flemish Community Commission (VGC) is developing its policy for the coming years, together with you. This year we are shaping our plans with every Brussels resident who cares to participate. That is Stadspiratie.

The phase of ideas for Stadspiratie ran from 19 February to 30 June. We collected a total of 1130 ideas from Brussels residents on our online platform. Everyone could submit ideas related to six different themes: learning, growing up, participating, working together, meeting and healthy living in the city. (You can find the themes here). There was a seventh category where you could submit all other ideas.

Big detailed plans or small suggestions, all ideas were welcome! This is how we started the debate. Everyone had the opportunity to think along.

Are you curious about the proposals that were submitted? You can find all ideas here.

Brussels residents were also able to talk to each other to develop ideas during online sessions in April, May and June, organized by the VGC and Brussels organizations.

Conversion into long-term plan

During the online workshops of Stadspiratie, on 3 and 4 July, organizations and citizens discussed the 1130 ideas submitted by Brussels residents. During these "Brussels workshops" we worked out a number of ideas further into concrete (policy) proposals. We will work with these proposals in the summer months.

In the last phase, we will include the ideas and concrete policy proposals in the VGC's long-term plan for 2021-2025.