Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
All Brussels residents have the right to a healthy life. How can all Brussels residents find the appropriate care? How can we encourage everyone in our city to exercise more and play sports? What do you need to feel good about yourself in Brussels? Are you aware of good examples that can inspire Brussels? What is your dream?
These ideas were submitted already
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Nieuwe bestemming voor kleine ring in autoluw Brussel
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Minder CO2 uitstoot en andere schadelijke stoffen door voertuigen
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
autoloze zondag
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Park Rouppeplein/place Rouppe
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Betere fietspaden/fietsnetwerk
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Road infrastructure
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Fitness band based tracking and monitoring
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Een groene verbinding tussen het klooster Saint-Antoine en het Anneessensplein
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Gezond overleven met de fiets in Brussel en in het verkeer
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Een huisarts voor elke inwoner van de Brusselse regio
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Toegankelijke voedselhulp voor iedereen die het nodig heeft
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Maak de MIVB/STIB-stations groener (bv Weststation, Rogier,...)
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Groen en water.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Benzine- en dieselauto's.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Minder auto's.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Online Dokters via Skype
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Smartcity Brussels as most empathic, free and safe playground!
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Boutique fitness clubs
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Murs végétal
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Een proper, net Brussel
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Fietslessen voor vrouwen
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How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Eetbare parken.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?