Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
All Brussels residents have the right to a healthy life. How can all Brussels residents find the appropriate care? How can we encourage everyone in our city to exercise more and play sports? What do you need to feel good about yourself in Brussels? Are you aware of good examples that can inspire Brussels? What is your dream?
These ideas were submitted already
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
How the government can encourage and support more people to be active.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Groenere stad
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Zacht plastic ophalen
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Meer fietsenmogelijkheden in Brussel
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Bomen in elke straat
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Een proper, net Brussel
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Meer en betere zwembaden
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Laagdrempelige meertalige psychologische hulp voor kinderen en jongeren.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Buurtcomposten en buurtmoestuinen
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Bomen en schaduw
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Voorsorteerstrook voor fietsers
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Betere fietspaden/fietsnetwerk
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Road infrastructure
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Fietslessen voor vrouwen
Sign in to voteHealthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Meer fietspaden.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Schoonmaken met water en zeep.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Gezond overleven met de fiets in Brussel en in het verkeer
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Rustbanken en groen
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Netheid, politie, wandelpaden
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Tegen geluidshinder.
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Shift to bikes
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?
Toegankelijke voedselhulp voor iedereen die het nodig heeft
Healthy lifestyle
How can we live a more healthy lifestyle in Brussels?