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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
These ideas were submitted already
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Zone 30.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Architecturale planning: gebouwen die bij elkaar passen, opwaardering voor de historische panden
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Een verdieping voor voetgangers.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Afspraak in plaats van lange wachttijden bij de gemeente.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Gratis openbaar vervoer in Brussel
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Wereldtentoonstelling Brussel 2030
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Betaalbaar wonen voor jongeren
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Iedereen eigenaar van een eigen thuis
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Correcte en efficiënte sancties voor geweld op straat
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Feeling safe in the city
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Een wandelpad doorheen alle Brusselse gemeenten. (Green Line).
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Ander beleid rond kleine criminaliteit
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Laat bedrijven, organisaties en inwoners mee investeren in publieke infrastructuur
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
De Zenne openleggen
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Straten éénrichtingsverkeer maken
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Een proper Brussel!
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Veiliger verkeer
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Renovatie justitiepaleis. Wanneer?
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Bovengrondse parkeerplaatsen enkel voor bewoners van wijken
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Water aan Sint-Katelijne.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Betere keuze bestrating
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?