Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
These ideas were submitted already
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Mutsaardlaan Laken
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Betalend afval
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Bewakers van de stad en van de vrede .
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Een ervarings paleis. Een win-win situatie voor iedereen
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Betere mobiliteit.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Propere toiletten en voorrang voor fiets en tram.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Afspraak in plaats van lange wachttijden bij de gemeente.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Leefbaar Haren
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Autoloze zondag.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Daklozen en opvang
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Winkelen op zondag.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Deeltijds werkloos.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Duurzamere, kwaliteitsvolle en goedkopere (sociale) woningen.
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Taalwet respecteren.
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Een nette stad is een leuke en veilige stad om in te leven
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Prioritaire voertuigen
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Ik erger me kapot aan rondslingerend vuilnis
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Toegang tot panoramische daken op hoogste kantoorgebouwen Brussel.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Reconversieplan Brussels Airport
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Neen tegen 30 km.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Administratieve kosten bij overlijden
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?