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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
These ideas were submitted already
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Veilige ruimte voor de fietser
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Urban farming
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Verkeersvrije binnenstad.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Toussaintstraat in Jette.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Brussel Zuid : Oude NMBS gebouwen herbestemmen tot kunst-gallerijen
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Meer openbaar vervoer.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Gebouwen verzorgen.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Voetganger- en Fietszone langs het kanaal
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Een verplicht onderhoudsbudget voor elk gebouw.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Urbanisatie - Neder Over Heembeek
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Betere mobiliteit
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Chaotische stad
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Afvalverbranding Neder-Over-Heembeek.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Overal fietspaden.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Duurzamere, kwaliteitsvolle en goedkopere (sociale) woningen.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Minder verkeerslawaai: geen kaseien op autoweg
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Openbare diensten meer open buiten de kantooruren
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Het atomium in Laken - een prachtconstructie
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Europees A.I. systeem voor aansturen van alle Europese verkeerslichten
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Water in de hoofdstad
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Investeren in de leefbaarheid van Brussel
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?