Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
These ideas were submitted already
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Fonds tegen aanrandingen.
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Administratieve kosten bij overlijden
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Groene mobiliteit
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
3x jaar gratis grootvuil ophaal dag in hele Brussel.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Community service
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Beleidsplan voor meer families in het stadscentrum (of tegen de stadsvlucht)
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Optreden tegen vervuilen van openbare ruimte
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Brede fietspaden.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Water in de hoofdstad
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Feeling safe in the city
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Propere stad
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Aparte fietspaden om Brusselaars te overtuigen de fiets te pakken
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Duurzamere, kwaliteitsvolle en goedkopere (sociale) woningen.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Bovengrondse parkeerplaatsen enkel voor bewoners van wijken
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Inzetten op verbinding van wat al bestaat
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Meer openbaar vervoer.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Propere stad
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Auto-vrije stad.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Ondergrondse vuilnisbakken maakt het straatbeeld mooier net zoals in Duitsland en Zweden.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Brand Whitlocklaan in Woluwe
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Oranje afvalzak ophalen.
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Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
Gratis vervoer.
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?
De wet toepassen, pakkans vergroten
Other ideas
Do you have more ideas to turn Brussels into a better city?